Choosing To Be Happy

Choosing to be happy does not imply ignoring the challenges of our current conditions, instead, it speaks of taking the necessary steps to look for, prioritize and nurture the feeling of happiness within, in spite of the circumstances that surround us and while actively, yet gently, doing all we can to improve them. All we…

Battle of The Ego

There is no colder prison than our illusion of freedom; where we keep our soul hostage to appease others, or to satisfy the immature and delinquent side of our ego. An ego that knows and craves the warmth of its light and its truth, but often chooses the coldness of darkness and fear over the…

Character or Reputation

Character is what we are made of, is who we are and how we are; reputation is how others perceive us and portrait us. Let us not allow others' perception of who we are to align us with the character we don't wish to embody. Let us not allow others' agendas to summon our weaknesses…


If we are nothing else, let us be resilient. The bamboo plant would be nothing but a bare and crooked stick; instead, it stands tall and covered in beautiful foliage because of its resilient nature. That is our nature as well.

Daily Learning

Learning is not only for the purpose of pursuing a degree, but also for the achievement of self-mastery. It is constant, eye-opening, and it is meant to be enjoyed. Learning is the path to self-realization, and the benefit to others is a natural byproduct.

Tears In Times of Challenges

Crying through the challenges is meant to be decompressing and recharging, a brief moment that leads to self-reflection and resilience, to self-empowerment and inner freedom. We must allow the tears to run their course, ideally a short course, even if somewhat recurring; but let us be mindful, however, not to gather with others to dwell…

True Self-Empowerment

True self-empowerment is not defined by how we shake others' paradigms, but rather by how we shake our own. True self-empowerment is not about becoming the loudest person in the room, it is about becoming the most influential person in the room, even in our quietest moments. True Self-empowerment is built on our strength of…

Advocating For Ourselves

When we feel like we are not being treated as we deserve, let us ponder our ability to advocate for ourselves. Let us find our voice, and help others find theirs. The most important thing to remember is that the voice which delivers the most powerful messages is not necessarily the loudest one, but simply,…

Outside Validation

It is nice to receive compliments, it is encouraging to hear uplifting words, but let us be certain of this: we don't need outside validation to thrive. We validate ourselves every morning when we choose to start our day with a positive mindset, in spite of the struggles of the past and the uncertainty of…


Within every limitation there is a new opportunity. An opportunity to re-invent ourselves, to adjust and adapt, to discover the magnificent ways in which we can expand. Under such a broad perspective, there truly aren't any limitations, just opportunities to grow, to become more, to excel.