The Child Within

Moving along and moving forward, we leave behind a trail of memories; not to find the path back and turn around, as if attached to the past, but to have the child within treasure the memories, learning from the experiences, yet looking forward to maturing throughout life and building inner strength and resilience along the…

Our True Element

We can only get so far out of our element, our truest inner self, before we find ourselves longing to sprint right back. We will know how wise we have become when we are able to anticipate our return to self with such clarity, that instead of fearing a whiplash, we will gladly and quickly…

Following The Crowd

Often times we go through life violating our own convictions, until one day we feel so out of place, as we realize that nothing is turning out how we had hoped, that we can no longer stand it. That is when we finally sit there, in utter despair, asking why? As if the heart had…

We Reap What We Sow

It is ironic how often we blame others for the times when we have talked ourselves out of following our own hearts. How we blame circumstances, which we have created ourselves by doubting our own ability to influence the unfolding of our lives. And then we exclaim: “We paid for gold and received scraps”, when…

They Don’t Make Us Happy

The right person is not here to make us happy; the right person is here to show us how happy we can be. The right person comes and reminds us of our ability to feel the happiness we have been suppressing. The happiness we continue to put on the back burner because we are too…

Living Our Truth

We only get confused about ourselves, about our identity, when we choose to allow others to identify it for us, when we start looking at ourselves through the expectations of others, through their perceptions of us. Once we learn to separate that which is others’ view of us from that which is our own, the…

Free of Conflict

We know ourselves best, yet we often allow others to influence our thoughts and actions to our own detriment. We block our inner knowing, our intuition, in favor of pleasing others, of avoiding conflict, only to find ourselves drowning in the most debilitating conflict of all, inner conflict. Let us consider others' views...but let us…

The Biggest Dream

The biggest dream, the most sough-after accomplishment, is not a one-size-fits-all. Measuring our success by others' goals and desires only leads to a misconstrued impression of achievement. Let us learn to follow our own dreams, to measure our success by our own idea of accomplishment, and our own sense of fulfilment.

Life’s Performance

In the grand stage of life, we often forget who we are performing for. We rehearse so much; we go through so many changes of costumes...we play so many roles, striving for standing ovations. For a split second we feel on top of the world, and at the end of the show we sit in…